
Hey there! So, basically, this blog is all about reaching out to folks who might be going through big changes in their religious beliefs, or just curious about what that journey’s like. It’s also for anyone on the search for some fulfillment, purpose, and meaning in life. Plus, we’re all about spreading the love of God in Christ and championing human dignity along the way. So, if any of that sounds good to you- stick around!

So, check it out: I’m finally making it official—I’m joining the Catholic Church this July 2024! I’ve been kinda living the Catholic life for years now, so this feels like the natural next step. On this blog, I’m revealing all about my journey home.

From diving into Bible studies to hashing out my thoughts, facing challenges, and finding those little sparks of inspiration—I’m laying it all out there. Hopefully, it’ll offer some valuable insights and maybe even a bit of support to anyone else on a similar path.

A POWERFUL short film that reveals the coming together of heaven and earth at Mass, as seen by saints and mystics, revealed by scripture and in the catechism of the Catholic Church.

FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO DO A DEEP DIVE- The Theology of the Holy Mass is explained HERE

Explore the Wisdom of Faith in My Collection of Inspiring Books

Dive into the pages that have shaped my journey and discover the insights that can illuminate your own path. Whether you’re seeking knowledge, inspiration, or a deeper connection with Catholicism, my carefully curated selection of books awaits. Start your journey of discovery today!
